Our Europe Trip 2019 | Charleston Wedding Photographer

With this week comes many thoughts on gratitude. I am working more intently on practicing gratitude daily, but it’s easy to fuel the fire this week.

I am wrecked every time we travel. I am constantly in awe of the places around the world I’ve been able to visit. This was no exception.

In May of 2009, my family and I, plus Kevin journeyed to Ireland and Italy only to learn my mom was diagnosed with cancer the following month. So when this new journey to Ireland occurred 10 years and the same month, I knew it would be magical.

We spent time with friends that are like family reminiscing my mom and celebrating love.

Travel is so powerful. It’s not easy, especially with small children, but getting to take them and show them the Eiffel Tower for the first time was so worth it. It literally took our breath away.

What travel has taught me is we need to look at our own cities through the lens of a tourist. Parisians flit by almost unaware of its presence. Where as us tourists buy a bottle of wine and cheers at a nearby park just within reach of it. Travel inspires me to live. I’m thankful travel and adventure are values I hope to instill in my children.


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